Echoes of “A Woman’s Voice”

Dr. Gay Byron, Suendam Birinci, and Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer spoke as proponents of 'critical vision'

Johanna Bos, in her opening remarks for the recent interfaith conference “A Woman’s Voice,” referred to the objective of the conference as the fashioning of “utopian space.” She cited recent work by Elizabeth Castelli in characterizing utopian space as “an alternative space within which the future might be reimagined and renagotiated in light of a critical vision of the past and present.”1

This critical view of past and present emerged clearly in every plenary presentation. Dr. Gay Byron’s talk “Teaching Empires, Interpreting Texts, Redefining Authority” in particular focused on the presentation of the history of the ancient Axumite Empire, and the way its existence has been reflected through the eyes of its “others” in antiquity. Once the standard, classic sources begin to appear as sources from a particular standpoint, with their own symbolic agendas and systematic distortions, it becomes possible to consider the meanings of those symbolic agendas and systematic distortions, as well as to look for other sources. This is precisely the direction Gay Byron’s most recent work is taking, as she sifts the demanding texts of the Axumite, or Ethiopian, Empire. For those in her audience who don’t know ge`ez, however, just becoming aware that certain “authorized” sources of information about the topic of the Axumites require critical re-examination serves as a reminder that similar dynamics have been at work, and are still at work, in our more immediate contexts. It can remind us to reflect on the symbolic apparatus laid before us in newsprint and video pixels, as contemporary representatives of empire purvey their official views of the meaning of racial difference, class difference, religious difference, gender difference. Gay’s lecture reminds us to be suspicious of reports that are too easy to understand; perhaps the ease of understanding comes from the use of “information” as symbol to reinforce one particular picture of the world, rather than the use of words and images as information, to complicate, widen, and deepen our picture of the world.

The presentations by Suendam Birinci and Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer did, in fact, complicate, widen, and deepen our picture of the world. Suendam Birinci focused her attention on the authoritative status of the Qur’an in the religious tradition of Islam. The text, she pointed out, is understood by Muslims differently from the way the Biblical text is understood by most Jews and Christians. The text’s status as direct revelation from God, independent of human composition, transmission, and even understanding, underpins the authority of the text of the Qur’an in a way that differs from the authority of a Biblical text that is understood to be open to historical and literary criticism and to interpretation in light of its human authorship. Birinci emphasized the possibilities inherent in education with respect to the text of the Qur’an, pointing out that familiarity with and understanding of that text becomes the ultimate touchstone for legitimate communal authority in the context she outlined. This should constitute a place from which women can challenge illegitimate erasures of their God-given rights. Birinci sketches an alternative future — which incidentally might resemble a historical past that has been almost forgotten by most contemporary Muslims — which would include education made available to women equally with men, and respect for religious views granted according to merit.2

Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer depicted a present in the Jewish context that has become a time of intense focus on texts and tradition, in which women’s textual scholarship is being recognized and gaining authority (as in the publication of The Torah: A Women’s Commentary, commentaries on the Torah portions by women rabbis) and women’s voices as interpreters and re-inventers of religious tradition are increasingly attended to and accepted as authoritative. She noted, however, that this new authoritative position comes historically on the heels of an earlier eclipse of a different organization of religious life in which women, in fact, enjoyed significant authority in the realm of women’s ritual and spiritual life. In evidence she cites the memoirs of Pauline Wengeroff, translated by Shulamit Magnus, as demonstrating the way official histories have obscured the trajectories of loss of cultural authority in the now-vanished traditional context. Interestingly, however, growth in women’s authority according to the pattern established by modern and masculine religious and scholarly authority is increasingly permitting a critical revival of traditional practices, and a re-inscription of traditional practices in the contemporary context in ways that retrieve and reshape the sources of women’s authority within the living tradition. One of the things suggested by this account is that critical consciousness, and assessment of the gains and losses that come with historical change, while difficult, are also essential. This critical consciousness and assessment require the perspectives made available by gender difference, along with those made available by other sources of difference, before they can count as knowledge about the paths towards liberation.

It is one thing to recognize that the goal of a conference of this type is to create “utopian space,” in the sense of alternative space that is open to critical reflection on and re-evaluation of what is “common knowledge.” It is another to make the effort to inscribe such “utopian space” more deeply into our routines. That effort, some will say, would really be “utopian” — in the sense of being unrealistic and impractical.

But one of the lessons of the recent conference “A Woman’s Voice” is, in fact, that this effort can be made. Pockets of critical space, for reimagination and renegotiation of alternative futures in light of critical visions of the past and present, can be fashioned. The conference room is only one of many possible spaces of this kind. The classroom, in which students and teachers pursue emancipatory practices, is potentially another. A living room, in which people gather for Bible study with a determination to hear what a living God is speaking into a contemporary context, could be such a space. The Women’s Center, we are reminded, is called to be this kind of space; this is precisely the objective of the Center’s programs of education, advocacy and celebration.

Indeed, the church itself is called to be this kind of space, a place in which people together can catch a glimpse of an alternative future of justice and peace, that does not simply replicate indefinitely the cold material inequalities and casual violences of our contemporary world. “A Woman’s Voice” had something to say — let those with ears to hear, hear.

“A Woman’s Voice” Resounds

Interfaith Conference A Woman's Voice Brochure

A Woman's Voice inspires!

What a weekend it’s been! The events of the Interfaith Conference “A Woman’s Voice,” which enveloped the Fifth Annual Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture, proved even more richly enjoyable and memorable than we had anticipated. Lunch on Sunday, which we expected to be informal (yes, it was) and “nothing special” (it was not!) turned out to be a delightful swirl of reunions and first meetings, animated conversation and anticipation. The opening ritual, “Dancing on Common Ground,” which we expected to be animated and moving, was also serendipitously interactive and celebratory. Suendam Birinci’s first plenary session presentation, “Places of Authority for Women in the Muslim Context–Shared Perspectives” was eye-opening and thought-provoking. Dr. Gay L. Byron’s lecture “Teaching Empires, Interpreting Texts, Redefining Authority” opened up a glimpse of multiple worlds: the neglected world of the ancient Axumite Empire, the newly-dawning world of critical womanist literary studies, in which Dr. Byron is a pioneer and to which she is an inspiring contributor, and the world of engaged scholarship, a planet whose air is always bracing.

Monday brought further ritual challenges as we contemplated and enacted “Reaching Across the Boundaries–Accepting and Respecting Difference.” We heard from Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer on “Places of Authority for Women in the Jewish Context” with fascinated delight. We were able to see the many and complex ways that the histories and texts of the three religious traditions represented at this conference — Muslim, Christian, and Jewish — form patterns of distinctions and similarities that led us to new insights about our own religious traditions and commitments, as well as deeper understanding of our neighbors’. By midday on Monday, it was difficult to pull people out of the enthusiastic conversations that were forming in the morning’s workshops, to reconfigure and renew those conversations with a shifting cast of participants.

When we finally gathered around the table of the closing ritual, shared some bread and fruit, and heard Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer recited a poem* in blessing over the group that was able to delay their departures to places near and far that long, we knew that we had, indeed, been vouchsafed a sojourn in “holy space and time.” Like all such sojourns, this one has left us both elated and a little exhausted — in that good way that means gathering the lessons and renewing the energies spent for the next push at the work that remains.

[It would be wrong to say it was “a mountaintop experience” — that metaphor is overused, and in this case it would be imprecise. This conference might be better described as “a shoreline experience.” That is, it brought us together at a place where we could look out at a distant horizon together, and practice pointing out to one another what we see, based on our different, but related, skills and practices of discerning possible, hoped-for, and worked-for worlds. Like all such moments of standing, right around dawn perhaps, at a place where we can begin to catch sight of the wideness of the forces at work, in their multi-hued wildness and deep beauty, it was breathtaking, and rejuvenating.]

Many and deep thanks are due to all the people, in many roles and capacities, who made the occasion of hearing “A Woman’s Voice” the marvel it was. In particular, students and alums of Louisville Seminary brought a treasure-trove of gifts to the planning and presentation of this conference. These, along with the grace and good cheer with which they came, demonstrated that these remarkable women, along with their much appreciated male allies, have riches to contribute to the church and the world. We are blessed to be able to call them our friends.

Pictures from the lecture on Sunday night are online.

*“To Be of Use,” by Marge Piercy

On the September Calendar

The Women’s Center will be observing the Labor Day Holiday by gathering energies for big events coming later in the month, including:

Enjoying Fall Convocation!

The 3rd annual LPTS Tailgater (Friday, September 10, 12:30, LPTS main parking area) — oh, yes, the Women’s Center will attend, and defend the trophy we’ve taken such good care of during the past year! Without giving too much away, we would say our interpretation of this year’s “Welcome Home” theme will be epic — but that would be the wrong genre . . .

Interfaith Conference A Woman's Voice Brochure

Register now through 9/7/10

The Fifth Annual Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture and Interfaith Conference “A Woman’s Voice,” (Sunday, September 12 and Monday, September 13). [Here’s more information about the conference.] Plans are coming together in a big way for a unique two-day conference focused on the authoritative presence of women in the three different, linked religious traditions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Conference-goers will deepen their appreciation of sacred space through interfaith ritual, deepen their acquaintance with women’s authoritative presence in different traditions and their own in interaction with the presenters (Suendam Birinci, Dr. Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, and Dr. Gay Byron, our 2010 Katie Geneva Cannon Lecturer) and one another, and solidify their grasp of key areas of these traditions in workshops led by the presenters, and by Dr. Johanna Bos, Dora Pierce Professor of Biblical Studies at Louisville Seminary and Faculty Liaison for the Women’s Center.

Late registrations for conference events (rituals, plenary sessions, and workshops) are being accepted now through September 7 at the Women’s Center’s online site; the Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture (Sunday, September 12, 7:30 p.m., Gardencourt – Hundley Hall) is, as always, free and open to the public.

Raise $$$, help peopleThe 2010 Louisville AIDS Walk (Sunday, September 26, gathering 2:15 p.m. at the Belvedere). Team Women’s Center invites members of the Seminary community, as well as friends, neighbors, and peripatetic pets, to join us in raising money that funds direct services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and their families, in the Louisville area. Check out our team page, and join us for some exercise of faith, compassion, and hamstrings in the service of our neighbors living with HIV/AIDS.

This month, we are also hoping to inaugurate a weekly Bible study with a special emphasis on gender, open to gendered persons, at a convenient time in the Women’s Center. Right now the plan is to use the uniform study series texts, an informal “read and reflect” approach, and a practice of noticing and reflecting on the appearance and significance of gender themes in the Biblical text, along with all the other great stuff we will find. Heather Thiessen hopes to hear from whoever is interested in participating in this study by email to Once we know who we are, we can figure out what “a convenient time” means, and start reading and reflecting.

Conference Appetizer

The Women’s Center just received a request from Suendam Birinci, one of the speakers for the upcoming Interfaith Conference “A Woman’s Voice,” September 12-13, to include this article (“A Secret History”, NYT, February 25, 2007) in the conference packets.

A quick glance convinces us that this unique conference is going to be full of surprise and delight — we hope to see many friends, long time and new, there.

Register Now for “A Woman’s Voice”

Online registration is available now for the Fifth Annual Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture and Interfaith Conference “A Woman’s Voice.” Details and access to the registration site are available by clicking the brochure below:

Interfaith Conference A Woman's Voice Brochure

Fifth Annual Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture and Interfaith Conference 'A Woman's Voice' September 12 - 13, 2010

In Our Mail

Some e-mails are long overdue for a response

A couple of items of potential interest to Wimminwise readers surfaced in a sweep through the editor’s knee-deep e-mail. They are:

The July edition of the newsletter from our friends at the Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison, Wisconsin. The monastery has recently received prestigious Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum certification, which is wonderful news for them, for the prairie they nurture, and for the globe their commitment encourages us to protect. Sadly, however, we will have to miss the showing of the awards ceremony on Sunday, September 12, as we will be in the midst of the Fifth Annual Katie Geneva Cannon Lecture and Interfaith Conference “A Woman’s Voice.”

An outspoken comment on under-representation of women on the UN’s Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group by Jodi Jacobson, of RH Reality Check.